Shake it Up! Everything You Need to Know About Breakfast Smoothies

Here, we’re about way more than coffee; we love living a healthy lifestyle. You deserve to start your day with a burst of lasting energy! 


Are you looking for a change in your morning routine? Breakfast shakes or smoothies, whichever you prefer, are a quick and healthy alternative for our increasingly hectic lives. These drinks are popular - because they’re nutritious, use flavorful ingredients, and are convenient on the go. Breakfast shakes can provide you with the protein, fiber, and healthy fats needed to fuel the rest of your day. 


Let’s wake up well! Take the benefits of powerful Ganoderma beyond the mug. Scroll on to shake things up with delicious breakfast smoothies. 


What Should Be in A Breakfast Shake? 


As our first meal of the day (you’re breaking your fast from sleeping), it’s essential that you hydrate and get balanced and nutritionally packed calories for the rest of your day.  


A healthy smoothie should have fiber, protein, fruit, vegetables, and healthy fats. Avoid added sugar because the natural sugar in the fruits will provide sweetness, fiber, and carbs.  


We suggest adding Organo’s OGX Fenix to amp up your protein intake and keep you feeling fuller, longer. We love it because it combines top-quality, gentle ingredients that your body needs – including whey protein, vitamins, Ganoderma, and fiber. It makes for a delicious and versatile addition to any breakfast shake.  



Breakfast Shake Essentials 


Breakfast shakes are  easy to make with many ingredients you likely already have in your kitchen. You have to hit a few different types of food to balance the nutrition.   


Focus on multiple food groups to keep your shake well balanced. Here are some ingredients needed to make a nutritious and delicious breakfast smoothie: 




Fruit is the primary ingredient in most smoothies. Not only does it add sweetness,  it also  adds fiber and quality carbs that turn to fuel for your body. Pro smoothies makers keep frozen bananas on hand. They add a thick, cold consistency that will boost your entire shake experience. 


Greek Yogurt 


Protein is missing from a lot of good shake recipes. Greek yogurt is a great way to get additional protein into your shake and gives your smoothie a creamier consistency. 




All shakes need liquid to combine properly. For something other than water, unsweetened almond milk or OJ are excellent alternatives.  



Nut Butter- Nut butter adds healthy fats and additional protein to your shake. 

Leafy Greens- throwing a handful of greens into your smoothie is a simple way to get fiber, essential vitamins, and minerals into your shake. You can use whatever you’d like, but baby spinach is often recommended. 


OGX Fenix-our nutritional shake mix, complete with bioactive nutrients and protein-packed to help you get the nutrition needed to maintain/lose weight or feel your best. You can use this tasty shake mix every day!  


You can mix 1 scoop with 8-10 oz. (300 ml) of non-fat milk or partially skimmed milk. Or add a scoop into a breakfast shake & enjoy!  


Here is one of our favorites to whip up at home:  



YIELDS: 1 serving 


1 scoop FENIX Vanilla 
1/2 cup Non-fat or Skim milk 
1/3 cup of Red Raspberries  

1/2 Banana 
5-6 Ice cubes 
1 Tbsp Flax seeds 


Blend & enjoy! 

CALORIES*: 290/ serving 
PREP TIME: 5 min 


You can also grab a delicious Strawberry Banana version here. Make sure to visit our recipe page for more healthy smoothies and more gourmet drinks for your life! 

Swapping Breakfast with Healthy Smoothies 


Shake things up! If you want to take one step toward a healthier version of you, skip the big breakfast and make yourself a breakfast smoothie that will keep you full and energetic all day long! 


We are more than a coffee catering company - we would love to help you with your healthy lifestyle and weight loss goals. We can create a personalized plan just for you. If you’d like more nutritional guidance, please reach out to learn more about our health & wellness options. 






*Nutrition disclaimer: Calories are an estimate. Information is intended for informational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. 


The writers and publishers of are not nutritionists or registered dietitians. Statements within this site have not been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration. 


You are ultimately responsible for all decisions pertaining to your health. Each individual’s dietary needs and restrictions are unique to the individual. The reader assumes full responsibility for consulting a qualified health professional regarding health conditions or concerns, and before starting a new diet or health program. 


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