Here’s the Tea: Brews to Warm Up Your Winter

In the chilly months of winter, there’s nothing more comforting than snuggling up with a hot mug of freshly brewed tea. Whether you need a morning boost of energy, a mid-afternoon pick-me-up, or an evening unwind, there is always a tea to suit your needs.  


Tea is deeply rooted in the history of both Western and Eastern civilizations. As the source of brutal wars as well as harmonious spiritual practices, tea is a powerful substance, often aiding people with its medicinal properties.  


It may come as a surprise that most teas (excluding the earthly and floral flavors of herbal teas) are all derived from one plant, known as Camellia Sinensis. Different processing methods are used to produce the variety of exquisite aromas cherished throughout cultural history.  


Keep reading for Mr. Coffee Concierge’s overview of the five main types of teas and the range of health benefits they can provide.  



If you live in the south (like us, in Tampa!), chances are you or someone you know is an avid consumer of sweet tea. Sweet or iced tea is typically brewed with black tea. Leaves of the Camellia Sinensis bush are heavily oxidized in order to create the strong flavor and characteristic deep brown color of black tea.  


Popular varieties of black tea include Earl Grey, Darjeeling, English Breakfast, or China Breakfast. As its name suggests, English Breakfast is particularly popular among our friends in the UK!  

The high caffeine content of black teas makes it a great beverage to enjoy early in the morning or after lunch. It is also delicious served with milk and sugar. For a natural alternative to sweetening with sugar, try honey or agave! 


Health Benefits: 


  • Contains polyphenols, which are antioxidants that can improve blood flow, lower cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar, and improve cognitive function 

  • Contains theaflavins, which are antioxidants that may protect your blood vessels and heart and prevent free radical damage 

In Asia, black tea is also known as red tea! Try Mr. Coffee Concierge’s delicious ORGANO Red Tea with Cordyceps and Ganoderma lucidum for an invigorating cup of bliss!  


Theaflavins in black tea can protect your heart  

and prevent free radical damage. 


Like black teas, green teas provide a smooth caffeine boost and are the perfect companion for your morning meditation. The process of making green tea is an art form that requires careful precision and technique. Camellia Sinensis leaves are heated quickly to stop the fermentation process and retain freshness, and then, they are dried.  

The leaves can be pan-fried or steamed, determining the specific flavor and color of the leaves. Some examples of Green Tea varieties are Matcha, Gyokuro, Gunpowder, and Dragon Well. 

Health Benefits: 


  • Contains catechins, a type of polyphenol, which can improve blood flow, lower cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar, and improve cognitive function 

  • Contains L-theanine, an amino acid that may improve mental clarity and quality of sleep as well as balance the stimulating impact of caffeine  


We love this delicious Moroccan ORGANO Tea using our Organic Green Tea. Visit our Tea Room to discover creative recipes made with our unique tea blends!    



The delicate flavor of white tea can be attributed to the fact that it is almost unprocessed. The tea undergoes minimal oxidation, drying quickly after being picked. As a result, the tea has a subtle flavor with minimal caffeine, making it perfect for later in the evening.  

Popular varieties of white tea include Silver Needle, White Peony, Ceylon White, and Long Life Eyebrow. 

Health Benefits: 

  • Contains the greatest number of polyphenols, since it is the least processed, fighting inflammation in the body 

  • May reduce risk of heart disease, insulin resistance, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s  


Due to minimal processing, white tea contains high quantities of antioxidants, which may reduce your risk of heart disease, insulin resistance, and more! 


Tea Traditions > Host an ORGANO Tea Party! 



Oolong, falling between black and green on the “tea spectrum,” is only partially oxidized in a time-consuming process that produces a complex and unique flavor. This traditional Chinese tea has smooth yet fruity or floral flavor notes, and like its siblings, plenty of health benefits.  

Phoenix Tea, Iron Goddess of Mercy, and Milk Oolong are popular varieties of this delicate and exquisite tea.  

Health Benefits: 

  • Combines benefits of green and black tea, full of antioxidants  

  • May boost metabolism, reduce stress, lower risk of diabetes, and improve heart health 

  • Contains vitamins and minerals such as manganese, potassium, magnesium, and niacin 



Although technically not a tea, since it does not come from the Camellia Sinensis bush, herbal teas are just as popular as other teas, especially for those who can’t consume caffeine. There are countless varieties of herbal teas made of herbs, fruits, roots, flowers, mushrooms, and seeds. Therefore, herbal tea can offer a wide range of flavors and health benefits.  

Some popular herbal teas include rosehip, peppermint, chamomile, turmeric ginger, hibiscus berry, and sage, but the list is truly endless. Rooibos, from a South African shrub, is packed with antioxidants. Chamomile has calming effects and can help reduce inflammation. Echinacea, another flower, is known to soothe congestion, while ginger can help settle a queasy stomach and reduce GERD symptoms.  

Delicate Tea

Pinkies Up with Mr. Coffee Concierge  

There are numerous kinds of tea, each presenting its own delicious flavor and health benefits. Whether you are seeking out new tastes, are on the hunt for natural remedies, or are in need of a new ritual, tea might be just what you need.  

Ready to host your own tea party? Mr. Coffee Concierge will act as the Mad Hatter, so you can sit back and relax as the host! We promise not to be late! Book a barista today!  


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