Choco Mocha Smoothie

This spring, stay hydrated with a nice, cold smoothie or nutrition shake- the perfect beverage as it heats up quickly here in the south. We are craving this Choco Mocha Smoothie with our Organo Café Mocha and FENIX Rich Chocolate for all of its nutritious flavor.

For delicious chocolate banana flavor that reminds you of banana splits from your childhood summers, try this filling and simply Mocha Smoothie.  


Yields: 1 serving


1 cup unsweetened almond milk  

1 frozen banana 

1 tbsp ORGANO Café Mocha 

1 scoop FENIX Rich Chocolate   




Mix all of the ingredients in a blender until smooth and serve with powdered cacao and sliced banana. Yum! 


Pistachio Iced Coffee


Almond Delight Smoothie