Throw a Coffee Bar Work Party that Your Employees Will Love

If you’re in charge of organizing a summer office party, you may be feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement. Many employees will have in their head that work parties are “bad” or “just okay”, so their expectations may be low.  


These low expectations set a great stage for you to throw a fun party that the office will remember for years! So how are you going to accomplish this? Well... what is a simple pleasure that people love at work? Coffee, of course!  


Invite Mr. Coffee Concierge’s mobile coffee bar service, and we’ll bring the party to you. Keep reading for our complete guide! 


Work Party Coffee

Create an Office Party Committee 


Great parties usually involve entire teams to plan and execute. Get together a group from the office who you know will be excited to plan the “event of the year.” Delegate tasks to people who you know would enjoy and be good at getting them done. Your super popular colleague can create the guest list while your artsy peers can design the invitation and décor.  


Not only will you host an entertaining party, but you will have the opportunity to bond with your team.  


Ask for Input from Co-Workers 


The most resourceful and simplest thing you can do is ask your staff what they would like at an office party. By having conversations with your team, everyone will feel heard and more invested in participating.  


Ask about food preferences and allergies (very important - your guests with allergies will appreciate you) as well as the theme and potential services. If you’re in the Tampa Bay area, some of your team will undeniably suggest Mr. Coffee Concierge


Host a Coffee-Themed Party 


A great way to level up your festivities is to hire a mobile coffee bar service. How convenient that we run a mobile coffee bar here at Mr. Coffee Concierge! 


We know you’re busy with work besides party planning, so let Mr. Coffee Concierge bring the party to you! Everyone will enjoy our delicious and nutritious blends as well as sweet treats such as blended beverages. 


A work party doesn’t have to be boring. We’ll make sure everyone is energized without the jitters with our Ganoderma coffee blends. 


Offer Entertainment & Games/Activities  


Once people are fueled up on delicious caffeinated beverages, you should offer some activities to keep your team entertained. Get creative with how you plan to engage people. Some ideas may include: 


  • Live music (that people can dance to!) 

  • Caption contest 

  • Scavenger hunt 

  • Trivia focused on questions about the business 

  • Magician or mentalist 

  • Dance group 

  • Comedian 

  • Office talent show 

  • DIY Photobooth 

  • Karaoke 


People love competition, so create incentives or giveaways for people who win any games you plan. Party-goers also love to be “wowed.” You could play games such as Clue Murder Mystery or even get on a console and play classic video games.  


Dress up parties are a hit for many crowds. If you know your team and think they would be into it, have people dress like a certain decade or as their favorite movie character.  


Don’t Overlook the Menu 


Your team is likely going to show up hungry. Even if the party takes place at non-meal hours, you should have some hors d’oeuvres and snacks available for people to munch on. Also, provide plenty of drinks – people often feel more comfortable and relaxed if they have something in their hands. Mr. Coffee Concierge will make sure of that! 


Also consider if you want to serve alcoholic beverages. This could help everyone ease into the party and break the ice if there is any awkwardness.  


The bottom line is that bad or too little food can turn a perfectly fine party into a trainwreck. We suggest hiring a food catering service in addition to a drink service like Mr. Coffee Concierge. No one will leave unhappy! 


Learn More > Make Coffee the Star at Your Next Event 


Select the Right Location 


The right venue is another important factor for your office party. Many office spaces likely won’t function well as an event space, so consider finding another location convenient for your guests. If it’s too far from home, many people may not attend unless you are offering something incredibly exciting.  


Venues too small or too big can either make people feel cramped or too spaced out and awkward, so choose a spot to accommodate the size of your group. Do some research, and find an event space that fits the budget, company culture, and logistical needs.  


Mr. Coffee Concierge will follow your lead! 


Office Dinner Party


Make Memories Your Team Won’t Forget  


Your office party has the potential to ignite friendships, inspire excitement about the work you are doing, and show your team how much you appreciate them. Mr. Coffee Concierge wants to help you make memories that will last! 


If a coffee bar party sounds right up your company’s ally, book your event or reach out to our team today.  


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