Healthy Over the Holidays: Organo Nutritional Shakes

Many of us grew up spoon-fed the phrase, “Everything in Moderation.” Mastering this is one of the most powerful adjustments you can make to your lifestyle and overall wellness.  

After Thanksgiving’s sneak peek of delicious holiday foods and treats, you may be craving more seasonal meals straight from Grandma’s kitchen. We get it; it can be hard to pass up all those holiday treats and keep your health on track. That’s why many push off those wellness & weight loss goals to the New Year.  

But, living healthily doesn’t mean depriving yourself of all foods you love at all times. The key to healthy indulgence is moderation and balance. This holiday season, offset any “naughty” meals with the “nice” full-nutritional meals and supplements of Organo’s OGXFenix!

Use OGXFenix to Stay Nourished Through the Holidays 

When Christmas Day arrives and your eyes feel bigger than your belly, replace your smaller meals with an OGX FENIX Nutritional Shake. This will keep your calorie consumption in a healthy range while ensuring you receive adequate nutrients to fuel your body. 

OGX FENIX is a proprietary blend of whey protein, essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and Ganoderma mushroom. These ingredients can help boost immunity, fight fatigue, improve memory, reduce inflammation, and relieve stress.  

If you’re ready to look good and feel even better, shop with Mr. Coffee Concierge for wellness magic in a mug!  

Ganoderma mushrooms can help boost immunity, fight fatigue, improve memory, reduce inflammation, and relieve stress - all necessities during the hustle and bustle of the wintery holiday season! 


Savor the taste of the Season. Save this to your recipe book!  

OGX Peppermint Stick Smoothie 

YIELDS: 1 serving 

1 scoop FENIX Vanilla 

1 cup Non-fat, almond, or partially skimmed milk 

1/8 teaspoon peppermint extract (not mint - the flavors are different)  

2 ounces sugar-free chocolate chips (we suggest Dark Chocolate Chips) 

1 cup ice 

Blend and enjoy! 

CALORIES: 280 / serving 



Tips to Stay Healthy Over the Holidays 


We wish staying healthy during the holidays was as easy as drinking a nutritional shake, but there are other things to keep in mind when caring for your body this Christmas season.  

No Skipping Meals! 


You may be tempted to skip meals to balance out those heavy, rich meals, but doing so can seriously backfire and potentially be harmful. Waiting too long between meals can lead to low blood sugar with a handful of unpleasant side effects.  


If you get too hungry, you may overeat at your next meal and feel even worse. An OGX FENIX Nutritional Shake will keep your blood sugar and energy levels steady throughout the day, so you can fully enjoy family, friends, and food. 


Nutritional By Nature > More About Mushrooms 


Get Your Blood Pumping 

While we certainly encourage taking advantage of the holidays as a time to relax, you still need some physical activity for optimal health. A gentle walk with family and loved ones after a big meal can ease digestion and improve blood circulation.  


Drink Plenty of Fluids 


While none of these tips apply only to the holidays, it’s especially important during this time to stay hydrated. You can easily forget to drink water when the weather cools down, so set a reminder on your phone if need be.  

Staying properly hydrated the days before and after Christmas can help you avoid a pounding headache from the spiked eggnog you couldn’t stay away from. OG Tea and Coffee can count towards your fluid intake, but make sure to balance these drinks out with extra water. Aim for 6-8 glasses of water per day.  

Drink Up Good Health > All About “Super Coffee”  

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle 

You don’t have to permanently sacrifice your favorite treats and sweets in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. At Mr. Coffee Concierge, we believe a little indulgence and a lot of balance is the key to wellness.  

Through our herbal beverages, nutraceuticals, body management products, and personal care products, our mission is to help you achieve your health goals and peak state of mind.  

Feeling motivated to balance your health this holiday season? Mr. Coffee Concierge is here to help. See our services, shop our store, or try our Wake (C)up Challenge so you can taste the difference of our wellness brand. Start feeling great today!  



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