Springtime Fitness Motivation for New Beginnings

Plus, an anti-inflammatory peach smoothie to keep you feeling peachy keen this spring! 


Spring is in the air, and along with it comes a sense of hope, new beginnings, and warmth (and maybe a dash of unwanted pollen- but beggars can’t be choosers, right?). Something about the sun staying in the sky a bit longer and the world transforming from dull and dreary to bright and green makes us feel motivated to make positive changes in our lifestyles.  


When you feel compelled to instill healthy habits, you need to take action or the idea will pass you by until next spring. Take advantage of the sunny skies and blossoming inspiration to transform your health for the better. Keep these tips from Mr. Coffee Concierge in mind this spring to reach your fitness goals.  


Girl Paddleboarding Spring Fitness


Fitness Tip #1: There Isn’t a ‘Correct’ Way to Get Moving 


If just the thought of going for a run makes your knees hurt, then don't do it. There are so many different ways to get active, so find a method that works best for your body and your mind. Try to find a form of exercise that you actually enjoy, something that makes you smile; that way you don't see your exercise as a chore. 



Find a way to move your body that makes you feel energized and excited. No more need for excuses! 



Of course, there will be days when you would rather lay on a blanket with an iced coffee and watch the clouds roll by than exercise. That’s why it’s important to find a form of movement that makes you feel excited. Whether jump roping or dancing, finding an activity you love will make building consistency and routine easier.  


Fitness Tip #2: Mindfulness Will Boost Your Exercise Routine 


While many people benefit from a fitness app or tracking watch, you may feel overwhelmed or even held back by these gadgets, especially when first starting out. We suggest simply focusing on the present, absorbing your surroundings, and really practicing awareness of how you feel.  


Hyper-focusing on numbers like speed and distance may be useful for professional or more experienced athletes, but it may just leave you feeling disappointed and ready to give up.  


If you’re feeling unmotivated, put on a cute athletic outfit and comfy sneakers, and go for a walk through nature. Pay attention to the sounds of chattering birds, the sensation of the breeze and the ground beneath your feet, and all of the beautiful foliage growing and blossoming. Even if you don’t have an intense workout, you’ll get your blood flowing and your mind relaxing.  


Fitness Tip #3: Digital Communities Can Inspire You 


Many people who don’t actively participate in group exercise avoid it because they don’t feel they are fit enough. When you’re first getting back into exercise, it’s important to remember that we all start somewhere.  



Build connections with other people in your position through fitness Facebook groups, Reddit forums, and Instagram hashtags. 



There are many online forums and groups you can join to help you connect with people at your level. There is likely a Facebook group for your area. At the very minimum, there are plenty of people on Instagram and Pinterest sharing their fitness journeys that can show you what’s possible.  


Fitness Tip #4: Your Hay Fever Will Only Hold You Back if You Let It 


If your eyes itch and you can’t stop sneezing every time you step outside, you’ll likely avoid the outdoors for exercise. Fortunately, there are many antihistamines and natural remedies to help you manage your systems. Don’t let allergies be your excuse for not exploring nature!  


If you suffer from hay fever, try our delicious anti-inflammatory peach smoothie for a refreshing relief of allergy symptoms! 


Peachy Keen Smoothie 


Yields: 2 servings 




1 cup coconut or almond milk 

1 banana 

 1 scoop OGX FENIX™ Creamy Vanilla 

¼ teaspoon ground turmeric 

¼ teaspoon ground ginger 

1 sliced frozen peach 

1 tablespoon honey 


Add all ingredients to a blender and get mixing! Serve in a mason jar for the best spring vibes, and enjoy!  

Need More Smoothie Inspo? > Our Recipes 


Fitness Tip #5: Pressure-Free Classes Are Both Fun and Motivating 


From yoga to Zumba, Pilates, HIIT, barre, spin, Krav Maga, or tai chi, there are endless options for group classes to try. And there truly is a class for everyone!  


Don’t be intimidated if you’re new to a type of class. Find a friend to join you and use it as an opportunity to laugh at yourself. The majority of fitness studios offer a warm and welcoming environment for beginners.  



Don’t be shy! Trainers and teachers love seeing new faces in their fitness studios. 



Fitness Tip #6: Participating in Fitness Events Will Help You Commit 


Once you’re consistently showing up to fitness classes or for morning runs, signing up for an event can help you feel committed and excited about progressing. A 5k, yoga retreat, rock-climbing adventure, or backpacking trip are all wonderful examples of opportunities to build up to.  


Fitness Tip #7: Your Progress, No Matter How Small, is Worth Celebrating 


Achieving your goals is always worth celebrating. Keep in mind that every person is at a different point on their fitness journey, so the goals you set are unique to you and no one else.  


Try not to compare yourself to others, but instead, compare where you are today with where you were yesterday.  


If the pressure of trying to achieve milestones feels overwhelming to you, just celebrate the fact that you’re using your body and it has the ability to move! 



Need More Motivation? > Get Your Fitness Routine in Bloom 



Fitness Tip #8: Results Don’t Happen Overnight   


Anything worth having takes time, and that includes your health. Building regular movement into your routine is amazing on its own, so don’t let yourself feel like a failure if you don’t hit all of your goals within a week or even a month.  


From the get-go, try to be realistic and set achievable goals. Slow and steady wins the race, so don’t rush into things and risk burn-out or injury.  


Spring Group Fitness Class

Spring into Better Health with Organo  


Whether you’re revisiting exercise after a long break or seeking out ways to add some flavor to your established routine, spring is a beautiful time to make healthy changes.  


At Mr. Coffee Concierge, we’re always seeking out ways to grow personally and within our community and want to encourage you to do the same. We know you have the power to blossom in all of the ways you desire, but sometimes you just need a bit of motivation.  


Need a pick-me-up? Drink a cup of Organo coffee or host a party with our mobile coffee bar!  


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